It’s the time of year when we take all of the Church Juice blog posts, line them up and host our annual popularity contest. While we’re proud parents of each article we write, here are the five you liked the most in 2015.
5. Welcoming Visitors During a Church Service
We kick off our 2015 list with a post that takes us back to 2014. In the midst of kids singing Frozen songs and adults dumping icy water on themselves to raise money for ALS, we wrote a post with five tips for welcoming visitors during a church service. The general theme, which you still cared about this year, was this: don’t put barriers in place that keep people from connecting with your church again in the future.
4. Evaluating Your Church Website
Websites are never finished. It’s likely you often have the feeling your church’s online home is in need of updating. This post, which was one of our favorite to put together this year, gives advice for evaluating website content, organization and overall look. Plus, it’s full of screenshot examples from churches who have great websites.
3. Common Church Communications Mistakes
Part of avoiding future pitfalls is being intentional about anticipating what problems might come your way so that you’re ready to deal with them. At least that’s the idea behind this post, which looks at the most common church communications mistakes we see. But instead of just focusing on the negative, we provide some solutions for overcoming these danger areas.
2. Modern Church Website Design
Church websites were on your mind in 2015. Our second-most viewed post looks at the trends in current website design. This is another blog post full of real-life examples from churches who are following best practices in up-to-date design.
1. Ways to Improve Your Church Bulletin
Your favorite post of 2015 takes us back into the archive one more time. The church bulletin is one of those must-have communications pieces for lots of churches. Yet many become a bloated booklet of unengaging content. This post looks at six ideas for making your bulletin a take-home strategic piece of communication instead of a recycle bin-bound afterthought.