For 15 years, Church Juice has provided free church communication resources, training, consulting, and more to thousands of churches across Canada, the United States, and the globe.
Here's the bottom line: Everything communicates something.
So, shouldn't your church be intentional about how you communicate with your community and congregation?
That's why Church Juice exists—to help you energize your church's communications. Church Juice is a community of church staff and volunteers working toward clear and strategic communication. We craft everything we do with you in mind, from articles and templates to one-on-one consulting and community discussions.
Everything here has one purpose: to help you energize your church's communications. Whether you are just getting started and your church's communications need a jump-start, or you've been in the field for a while and you're looking for a sip of caffeine, we're here to help invigorate you and your church's leadership to be intentional about your communication.
What's up with the name?
Everyone's curious about the name "Church Juice." It's pretty unique, right? So where'd it come from? It's all part of Church Juice's origin story.
Conversations about a congregational-supporting, media-related program began nearly 20 years ago within our larger agency. ReFrame Ministries (Church Juice's parent organization) is a global mission, producing media in ten major world languages. In its North American context, conversations with church leaders around the turn of the century saw a shift in the need for media support and resources. Because of its unique position as a global media mission, ReFrame Ministries recognized the opportunity to take the agency's expertise to support local churches.
Work began in 2007 to craft a new program to help churches with their communications and media usage. The working name: Congregational Media Outreach.
Thankfully, the team wanted a name and brand that invoked the idea of a catalyst—something that provides positive change, forward momentum, and fueled growth. This new program was going to energize, equip, and engage people. So, Congregational Media Outreach, as a name, didn't fit the bill.
After a lot of research, listening, and workshopping, the team landed on Church Juice: Energizing Church Communications. Among a small field of final options, Church Juice rose to the top as a brand that could be memorable. There's also versatility to the elements of the name—one could think of fruit, electricity or power, or even something like gas or other accelerants. The team felt the name Church Juice provided clear brand opportunities while also allowing for future growth as needs change.

What does Church Juice do?
The name and the tagline are all fantastic in concept. But what exactly does Church Juice do?
We're here to support you and your church in taking your church's communications to the next level. That looks different for each church, but we've boiled it down to two key points of focus:
1. Equip communication leaders with tools and resources to energize their church's communications.
We create content to help you feel supported in your role. From Church Juice's weekly podcast to the articles, ebooks, and resources on the website—and even providing free consulting—these resources are all for you to use. And if you're looking for something but can't find it, just let us know—your input and feedback help us provide better resources!
2. Energize church communicators by providing space for community and belonging.
It's easy to feel isolated and alone—even if you're part of a larger church staff. Communications and marketing are unique roles in the church, and this area of ministry is often misunderstood.
Recognizing you're part of a larger community of church communicators can provide space to be refreshed and renewed in your work. Church Juice provides virtual and in-person opportunities to gather with peers to hear from one another, discuss a topic, and network with church communication leaders.
We're here for you.
Church Juice is a bit different from the other tools and resources you likely use. We're a ministry and are not here to sell you anything or promote products or services. With very few exceptions, everything we provide is completely free—because when churches support ReFrame Ministries, they’re supporting Church Juice’s work to equip you to energize your church's communications. We're here for you.
I mean it! If you have questions, need to bounce ideas off of someone, or are looking for advice or help, here's my contact information:
Call or text (616)224-0749, or click here to schedule a meeting.
Let's energize your church's communications.