You Can't Afford to Miss These Four Tools

Borrow brilliance

If you’re like me, you wrestle with the tension of valuing excellence and creativity while also feeling like there aren’t enough hours in the day. Many of us in churches and nonprofit contexts carry several responsibilities that hinder excellence and creativity in our written, visual, and even verbal communication.

While this tension is very much legitimate, there are also ways to, as the saying goes: “Work smarter, not harder.” One helpful thing we can do as we create and communicate is borrowing brilliance. The internet is a beautiful thing, and great ideas are waiting to be borrowed and contextualized. Whether it’s an inspiration for your next website, direction for an upcoming graphic project, or having a fresh voice on complex topics, the practice of borrowing brilliance is your friend if you find yourself out of time, resources, and/or creative juices.

I'm a sucker for freebies

Who doesn’t love free stuff? I love free t-shirts, pens, food, wristbands (that I never wear), you name it! If you love freebies like, I’ve got some good news: There are free high-quality resources out there waiting to help you save time and energy. Here’s a list of some of my go-to’s.

1. Open Network from Life.Church

If you can only select one free resource hub, this is it! Life.Church and partner churches make countless resources available like best social media and video practices, small group guides, graphic assets, and more. Create a free account and start getting equipped for your next project!

2. Church Communications Facebook group

Maybe you need quality support and feedback from other like-minded people. This group of thousands of communicators is an excellent place for inspiration and encouragement right on Facebook. If you’re on Facebook, why not join this group?

While you're at it, the Church Juice's Insiders Facebook group is a community of church communicators who share questions, receive feedback, and hear what's coming up first from Church Juice.

3. Vous Friends + Family

Vous Friends + Family is a new and growing resource hub created by Vous Church in Miami, Florida. They release quality leadership content and resources created for their in-person and online audience. Vous communicates the good news of Jesus in a clear, creative, and compelling way. Create a free account and give them a follow on their socials (@vouschurch) while you’re at it!

4. Church Media Drop

I frequently visit Church Media Drop if I need a last-minute graphic template or inspiration for an upcoming project. No account required! Bookmark this site and let it save you time and energy.

I hope these are helpful and encouraging resources to you as you serve, lead and communicate.

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