
Hello! Welcome to the Church Communications & Administration Summit.

Slides from the Summit

You can download the slides from today's Church Communications & Administration Summit!

Goals and Metrics (Slides)

Schedule Rundown

9:00am - Doors open

9:30 - Welcome, Devotions from Emily Vanden Heuvel, ReFrame Prayer Ministry

9:50 - Master Class: Setting Goals and Measuring Metrics

10:30 - Break

10:45 - Roundtable: Crafting a Compelling Social Media Strategy for Your Church

11:30 - Campfire Discussion

12:15pm - Lunch

12:45 - (Optional) World Renew building tour

1:00 - Master Class: How to Make Your Church Website Stand Out in the Crowd

1:45 - Break

2:00 - Live Church Website Reviews | Want your website reviewed? Text the web address to (616)224-0749

2:45 - Ask Me Anything

3:30pm - Dismissal

AMA | Ask Me Anything

Text Bryan Your Question!

Do you have questions you'd like us to discuss? Text Bryan your questions throughout the day and we'll get to them during our open "AMA" session this afternoon. Text - (616)224-0749.

Or, ya know, just write them down.

Other helpful tools and church communication resources

Start working on your own church communication strategy with our guidebook (free, of course). The guidebook walks you through all the planning and preparation to create your own well-crafted strategy.

Download the Church Communications Strategy Guidebook

Social Profiles for Inspiration

Get Inspired: 8 Churches and Ministries to Follow on Instagram Today

Radiant Church (Instagram)

Ada Bible Church (Instagram)

Potomac Valley Church (Instagram)

Website Reviews

Stop announcing everything.

My Favorite Tools

Content Creation & Editing

Project Management

Church Management Solutions


Text Messaging Services

Web/Tech Essentials